John Lee Bottom

John Lee Bottom Profession, Height, Bio, Weight, Father, Children Net Worth

John Lee Bottom, known also by the name John Phoenix, is a pivotal figure in the Phoenix family, renowned for his role as the father of the acclaimed actors Joaquin and River Phoenix. Born on April 5th, 1947, in Stanislaus County, California, John’s early life was marked by challenges, leading him to drop out of school and venture into a career in landscaping. His hands-on skills in gardening eventually paved the way for the foundation of his own landscaping company. In his pursuit of a fresh start, John and his wife Arlyn transitioned away from a troubled past associated with “The Children of God” cult, symbolically changing their surname to “Phoenix.” This transformation marked the beginning of a new chapter for the family, echoing the mythical bird rising from the ashes.

Despite the challenges, John Lee Bottom remained a pillar of strength for his children, playing a crucial role in their journey to success in the entertainment industry. His commitment to family values, coupled with his support in their careers, showcases a man who, amidst the trials of life, embraced the opportunity for a phoenix-like rebirth, leaving a lasting legacy.

John Lee Bottom Bio

Full NameJohn Lee Bottom.
Date of BirthApril 5th, 1947.
Birth PlaceStanislaus County, California, United States.
Age68 years old.
Zodiac StarAries.
ProfessionCelebrity Father.
Height 5 feet 6 inches.
Weight50 kg.
Eye ColorHazel.
Hair ColorBrown.
Marital StatusDivorced.
ChildrenRiver, Jodean, Liberty, Joaquin, Rain, and Summer.
Father NameRobert Merrill Bottom.
Mother NameBeulah Ingram.
Net Worth$50 Million.

What is John Lee Bottom Net Worth?

While specific details about John Lee Bottom’s net worth remain undisclosed, his financial legacy is intricately woven with the success of his children, particularly Joaquin Phoenix, who boasts a significant net worth of $50 million as of 2023. John’s story is not just about personal wealth but a testament to the triumphs of the Phoenix family in the entertainment industry. The financial success of his children reflects not only their achievements but also the support and guidance provided by John in the backdrop.

This net worth, inherently tied to the achievements of Joaquin and the late River Phoenix, serves as a testament to the enduring impact of John Lee Bottom’s dedication as a father. Beyond the monetary value, it symbolizes the culmination of a family’s journey overcoming obstacles, embracing change, and ultimately rising to prominence in Hollywood.

Early Life

John Lee Bottom’s early life unfolded against the backdrop of a small town, where he navigated challenges that led him to drop out of school and embrace work as a gardener. His skills in landscaping eventually led to the establishment of his own company. John’s journey was far from conventional, characterized by a restlessness that saw him traverse various locations, seeking blessings in the randomness of life.

While the specifics of his early years are not extensively detailed, it is clear that John’s formative experiences contributed to the man he became — a father who, despite the hardships, played a crucial role in shaping the destinies of his children. The decision to leave the past behind, change the family name to Phoenix, and embrace a new beginning in Winter Park, Florida, reflects a resilience deeply rooted in John’s early experiences.


John Lee Bottom’s educational journey was marked by challenges that led to his departure from formal schooling. The pressures of a stressful lifestyle prompted him to abandon traditional education and venture into the workforce. Despite lacking a formal education, John’s practical skills and hands-on expertise in landscaping and carpentry showcased a different form of education — one gained through life experiences and the pursuit of a livelihood for himself and his family.

His decision to prioritize work over formal education was a testament to the realities he faced, emphasizing the importance of resilience and adaptability in the face of challenges. John’s journey, though unconventional, highlights the value of practical skills and a determination to carve a path forward, even in the absence of traditional academic pursuits.


John Lee Bottom’s career trajectory is multifaceted, encompassing roles as a landscaper, carpenter, and founder of a landscaping company. His early foray into the world of work was guided by the stressors of life, prompting him to channel his skills into a profession that would sustain his family. While the specifics of his career are not extensively detailed, the mention of founding a landscaping company underscores his entrepreneurial spirit and ability to carve a niche in the industry.

The transition to carpentry in the later years of his life reflects a willingness to adapt and find new avenues for personal and professional growth. Beyond these professional endeavors, John’s career is also intertwined with the successes of his children in the entertainment industry. His support and influence played a crucial role in their rise to prominence, showcasing a different facet of his career — that of a guiding force for the Phoenix family’s Hollywood success.


Personal achievements in the spotlight do not define John Lee Bottom’s breakthrough moments but rather the successes of his children, particularly Joaquin and River Phoenix. His role as a supportive father and guide became a cornerstone for the breakthroughs witnessed by the Phoenix family in the entertainment industry. The decision to change the family name to Phoenix symbolizes a breakthrough from a tumultuous past associated with “The Children of God” cult, signifying a fresh start and a new identity.

As Joaquin and River made strides in their respective careers, John’s influence and support became an integral part of their breakthrough moments. The family’s journey from a small town to Hollywood represents a breakthrough against the odds, a narrative shaped by resilience, familial bonds, and the pursuit of dreams in the face of adversity.

Other Ventures

While John Lee Bottom’s career is primarily associated with landscaping and carpentry, the details about other ventures are not extensively covered in the available information. His entrepreneurial spirit, as evidenced by his founding of a landscaping company, suggests a potential for diversification or exploration of various ventures within the realm of his expertise.

The transition from landscaping to carpentry in the later years of his life could be seen as another venture, showcasing a willingness to adapt and explore new professional avenues. However, the specific details about additional ventures or business activities beyond those mentioned remain undisclosed in the available information.

Personal Life

John Lee Bottom’s personal life is a tapestry woven with elements of love, family, challenges, and triumphs. His marriage to Arlyn Phoenix marked the beginning of a journey that traversed the realms of Christian missions, a transformative name change, and a commitment to creating a fresh start for the Phoenix family. The personal dynamics within the family, including six children, each with their unique talents and paths, reveal a life rich in experiences.

The influence of “The Children of God” cult, the decision to leave and embrace a new identity, and the subsequent challenges and tragedies, including the untimely death of River Phoenix, are integral parts of John’s narrative. The divorce from Arlyn in 1997 and the subsequent choice to step out of the spotlight underscore a personal journey marked by resilience, adaptation, and a commitment to family.

Career Highlights

  • Founding a Landscaping Company: John Lee Bottom showcased his entrepreneurial spirit by founding a landscaping company and establishing a foothold in the industry.
  • Transition to Carpentry: In the later years of his life, John transitioned to a career in carpentry, showcasing his versatility and adaptability.
  • Guiding Joaquin and River’s Careers: Despite not pursuing a career in show business, John played a crucial role in guiding his sons, Joaquin and River Phoenix, in their successful journeys as actors.
  • Influence on Name Change: The decision to change the family name to Phoenix symbolizes a significant career highlight, marking a transformative moment for the family.

John Lee Bottom Net Worth

While John Lee Bottom’s net worth remains undisclosed, the financial legacy associated with the success of his children, particularly Joaquin Phoenix, is noteworthy. Joaquin’s net worth of $50 million as of 2023 reflects not only his achievements in the entertainment industry but also the financial impact on the Phoenix family as a whole.

The interconnected nature of the Phoenix family’s success in Hollywood, coupled with the support and guidance provided by John, emphasizes the broader narrative of a family’s triumph against challenges. The net worth, in this context, is not just a monetary figure but a representation of the enduring legacy crafted by John Lee Bottom through the accomplishments of his children.


John Lee Bottom’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, familial bonds, and the pursuit of dreams. From his early life in a small town to the challenges of navigating the complexities of “The Children of God” cult, John emerged as a guiding force for his children, contributing to their Hollywood success. The decision to change the family name to Phoenix symbolizes not only a fresh start but a legacy that rises above adversity.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What was John Lee Bottom’s profession?
John Lee Bottom primarily worked as a landscaper and later transitioned to a career in carpentry. His early entrepreneurial spirit led him to found a landscaping company, showcasing his skills in the field.

Q: How did the Phoenix family get its name?
The Phoenix family, originally associated with the name Bottom, changed their surname to “Phoenix” as a symbolic fresh start. The decision was made after leaving behind a troubled past associated with “The Children of God” cult, signifying a rebirth akin to the mythical bird rising from the ashes.

Q: What is Joaquin Phoenix’s net worth, and how does it relate to John Lee Bottom?
Joaquin Phoenix’s net worth is estimated to be $50 million. While John Lee Bottom’s net worth is not disclosed, Joaquin’s financial success is intricately connected to the family’s overall financial legacy, reflecting the impact of his Hollywood achievements on the Phoenix family.

Q: What challenges did the Phoenix family face in their early years?
The Phoenix family faced challenges associated with their involvement in “The Children of God” cult, including uncomfortable practices and the revelation of the organization’s support for illegal activities. The decision to leave the cult, change their surname, and navigate Hollywood presented additional hurdles, including the tragic death of River Phoenix.

Q: How did John Lee Bottom influence Joaquin and River Phoenix’s careers?
Despite not pursuing a career in show business, John Lee Bottom played a crucial role in guiding his sons, Joaquin and River Phoenix, in their successful journeys as actors. His support and influence were instrumental in their Hollywood breakthroughs, showcasing a familial bond that transcended the complexities of the entertainment industry.

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